Tuesday, September 21, 2010

de next day of drink drank drunk

date : 19 sept
Location : ward

after de crazy nite of drink drank drunk.....
but actually im not drunk...
when i drink liqueur my head will b gong gong
but not drunk hor.....

working as pm shift....
as usual bring my gong gong head to work....
working with germain n arul together as a team....

while passing report...
im not concentrating...
not only me lo!!
germain also chatting at there lo....
cos she's not taking case...

took a pic of me!!
my face damn gong

lucky today is sunday....
full bed...
no new case coming in...

when i finish my work....
follow up my things see wat things im not done...
i hear a voice...
from female side

a : OMG!!
b : is she ok?!
c : where is she?!!
a : toilet!!

everybody head up see wats going on!!
guess wat?
i saw this!!

from de bed side to female toilet!!

trust me....
v really wanted to help her.....
but really BTH!!
is round de leh1!!
this is bad....
sorry sorry....
feel sorry about it....
after tat i sayang back her...
cal cleaner use turbo speed clean up everything...
back to normal


drink drank drunk!!

date : 18 sept
Location : Le bar

since last week v back too early...
so continue de drink drank drunk today!!!
starting v planning to go back to fabulous....

gem : got zhuang kuang!!fab no seats!!change plan to le bar!!!
me : okok....

dress code of de day...

while drinking drinking n drinking
i saw this!!!

faithx n si kai!!

now is time for game!!

jonathan teaching....

一只青蛙,跳下水..pu tong..
两只青蛙,两只青蛙,跳下水,跳下水pu tong pu tong!!

samual jaw pain again...

wats he doing!!!
keeping de 'toilet' card!!

gem : how dare u keep de card!!
samual : NO!!i didnt!!
queena : u bluff!!

gem : AAHHHH!!!toilet card!!!
samual : BTH!!


shes saying
' im not drunk....im just giddy!!'

while v playing de dice...
dont kno who so ji dong....

drop de dice into de cup!!!

this is disgusting....
hope nobody drink this cup....

peace ^^

group pic ^^

happy happy.....
back at around 4am....
at de same day working as pm shift!!
hope im not tat gong